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* New Executive Security of CBCP Rev. Fr. Joseph Shahzad
* Thanks Giving Ceremony of Rev. Fr Emmnauel Asi (2002-2023) at 12 March 2024


Catholic Bible Commission Pakistan (CBCP) is under Pakistan Catholic Bishops’ Conference. It was constituted in April 2002. Board of CBCP consists of one delegate from each Diocese.

The ministry of CBCP has its foundation in Dei Verbum, Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Vatican II, November, 1965). The fundamental purpose of CBCP is to make people lovers, believers and animators of the Word of God.


This vision is realized through the followings main objectives:
• Translating, updating and Publishing of the Holy Bible in Urdu and other local and cultural languages
• Provide Training and Formation for Bible leaders and animators making study of Biblical sciences available
• Preparing Bible related auxiliary material to make Word of God understandable and relevant to people
• Coordinating the promotion of the Biblical Apostolate in an organized manner
• Spreading missionary orientation for the Word of God among local church
• Ecumenical working together for the Word of God
• Ecumenical working together for the Word of God

CBCP conducts its activities mainly through Bible Promotion and Biblical Apostolate.

Ministry and Projects

Catholic Bible Commission Pakistan (CBCP) promotes its ministry for Reading, Training and Publication of the Word of God.
• Year of the Word of God (2008-2009)
• Four-Years program (2004-2007) of “Promotion of Holy Bible”
• Golden Jubilee (1958-2008) of first computerized edition of Catholic Urdu Bible
• Golden Jubilee 50 Awards for Bible promoters
• National Klam Congress
• Seminars on Biblical Sciences
• Klam Camps and Klam Conventions
• Bible Study Summer Camp, Ayubia (2017-2019)
• Bible Marathon Pakistan(2012 Mariambad, 2015 Karachi, 2020 Islamabad-Rawalpindi Diocese, 2022 Faisalabad Diocese)
• Catholic Bible Study (CBS) Tours(Jordan, Egypt, Turkey)


1. Golden Jubilee of Catholic Urdu Bible (1958-2008)
CBCP celebrated Golden Jubilee of Catholic Urdu Bible (1958-2008) as Year of the Word of God in 2008. A special year was declared open as Year of the Word of God.

2. Klam Ke Lakh Dost
The fundamental objective of Klam ke Lakh Dost (Hundred Thousand Friends of the Bible) is to make people lovers, believers and animators of the Word of God. The Bible Reading Chart helps to read the entire Bible in one year and ten months.

3. Klam Ka Saal (Year of the Word of God)- 2008-2009
CBCP celebrated Klam Ka Saal (Year of the Word of God) on Golden Jubilee of Catholic Urdu Bible (1958-2008) in 2008.

4. Klam Ka Saal (Year of the Word of God)- 2015-2016
In view of Goledn Jubliee of Dei Verbum (Nov. 1965-Nov.2015) CBCP had declared a Year of the Word of God in Pakistan. Year of the Word of God was solemnly launched on Sunday 15th November 2015 in the Archdiocese of Karachi and was solemnly closed on Sunday 13th November 2016 in the Archdiocese of Lahore.

5. Bible Marathon Pakistan 2012
In October 2012 CBCP organized Bible Marathon at Marian Shrine in the Archdiocese of Lahore. Holy Bible was read for 7 days and 6 nights (127 Hours) without a break. There were 200 volunteers participated. About 1900 readers took part from all over Pakistan. Total participants were about 4000.

6. Bible Marathon Pakistan 2015
On Sunday 15th November 2015 CBCP organized Bible Marathon at St. Philip’s Church in the Archdiocese of Karachi for three dioceses mainly, Diocese of Hyderabad and Diocese of Quetta. The whole Holy Bible was read for 7 days and 6 nights (127 Hours) without a break.

There were many Volunteers from three dioceses from south of Pakistan participated and paid their services. About 2000 readers took part in Bible Marathon while thousands of believers participated.

7. Bible Marathon Pakistan (Islamabad-Rawalpindi Diocese) 2020
Bible Marathon Pakistan 2020 will be held on 13-20 November 2020 at three places in the Diocese of Islamabad-Rawalpindi at three different dates. The solemn inaugutation will be on 13-15 Novemeber 2020 at St. Joseph Cathedral, Rawalpindi. On 16-19 November 2020, the same bible will be carried to St. John Vianney Catholic Church, Peshawar. The Parish Priest alongwith the Parishners will welcome and recieve the Word of God with great honor. On 19-20, November 2020 the same Bible will be carried to St. Francis Xavier Church,Sargodha for Solemn closing. The Parish Priest and the Parishners will welcome and receive the Word of God with great honor. The entire Holy Bible will be read. the detail is as under:

Total pages: 1542
Total Readers: 1987
Time Duration: 5.29 (Day-Night)
Reading Speed: 12 pages/hour


1. Studies in Biblical Sciences (SBS)
In order to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Dei Verbum (1965-2015) in a meaningful and effective manner Catholic Bible Commission Pakistan (CBCP) launched Studies in Biblical Sciences (SBS), Distant Learning Education Program. This is a four years Course through correspondence.
One Year Certificate: Introduction to the Bible
Two Years Diploma: Biblical Themes
Advance Level (Part I): Biblical Context
Advance Level (Part II): Biblical Exegesis
The SBS was solemnly launched from January 2015.

2. On-Going Bible Study
CBCP organizes On-Going Bible Study in different dioceses and Parishes. For this Bible Study syllabus is made available. It is to promote biblical knowledge and literacy among Christian believers.

3. Seminars on Text and Exegesis (2017-2019)
The seminars on Text and Exegesis have been organized at various Parishes in the dioceses. Six themes are introduced. One seminar is organized every after two months.
4. Seminars on Biblical Sciences(2017-2019)
CBCP has declared open Seminars on Biblical Sciences for three years. These are mainly for Teachers, Christian Nurses, Catechists and lay faithful at Parish level. This is to promote Catholic Tafseer-ul-Klam (TUK), 36 books of Catholic Urdu commentary on Biblical Sciences themes.
5. Bible Study Summer Camp Ayubia (2017-2019)
CBCP organized Bible Study Summer every year (2017-2019) in Ayubia. This is Bible intensive course of two week for two different groups. CBCP arrange accommodation, food, resource persons, cooks and administration. A proper syllabus is set for biblical themes and Biblical languages (Hebrew, Greek) for two weeks course.
6. Catholic Bible Study (CBS) Tours (Jordan, Egypt, Turkey)
CBCP has started Catholic Bible Study (CBS) Tours to Jordon, Egypt and Turkey. It is to visit biblical holy places. This is immensely to uplift knowledge of biblical geography, history, civilization and archaeology. These are purely Bible Study Tours.
7. Miscellaneous Programs
• Biblical Languages (Hebrew-Greek-Latin)
• Bible Animators Training programs
• Principles of Pronunciation
• Consultation for Revision and Review of the Bible
• Training Workshop for Translators and Reviewers
• Overseas Training Programs and courses

8.Catholic Tafseer-ul-Klam (TUK)
Catholic Tafseer-ul-Klam (2013-2016) of publishing 36 books completed. It was to raise literacy standard of the Bible readers. This is an Exegetical Commentary of the Holy Bible in vernacular. Besides exegesis of every book of the Holy Bible there are also 26 articles on various themes of Biblical Sciences.


• Catholic Urdu Bible
• Children’s Bible
• Holy Bible (Large Font)
• New Testament (Large Font)
• Women's Gospel
• Synopsis of Gospels
• Dei Verbum
• Verbum Domini (Khudawand ka kalam)
• Klam ki Kunji (3-Volumes)
• Buniyadi Bible Study
• Bible Comics (14 Books)
• Men and Women of the Bible (16 Books)
• Catholic Tafseer-ul-Klam (36 Volumes)
• Why and how to read the Holy Bible?
• Joy of the Gosple (Injeel ki Khushi)
• Al Shafi Yasu
• Tera Klam
• Duwaya Talawat
• Shagird ki Mannind Sun-na
• Klam Quiz Guide
• Basharat ki Jurat
• Bibliogram
• Men and Women Prophets
• Safaid Aag
• Klam Calender (4-Volumes)
• Dictionary of Biblical Theology (3-Volumes)
• Dictionary of Biblical Terminology
• Shagird Banao
• Gol Tumaar
• Khuda ki Kitab
• Khuda ki Baat
• Khuda ki Zuban
• The Fifth Gospel
• Kalmat-e-bais-e-Tabdeeli-e-alam
• Aao Talash Karain
• Yasu Masih ko Janain
• Insani-o-Ilahi Mulakat
• Asatiry Yahud V-1
• Asatiry Yahud V-2
• Aperruit Illis (Un Ka Zehan Khula)
• Mukhtasar Magar Mukamal

Future plans

• Ecumenical Translation of the Bible
• Greek-Urdu Interlinear (NT)
• Catholic Urdu Reference Bible
• Establishment of Pakistan Bible Institute (PBI)
• Bible Museum

Board & Committees
CBCP Staff
Studies in Biblical Sciences
Klam Ke Lakh Dost
Bible Marathon Pakistan
Catholic Holy Bible-Large Font
Catholic Urdu Reference Bible
Klam Ka Saal
National Klam Quiz 2016
The Holy Bible
Commentary of the Bible
Bible Study
Children and Youth
Biblical Apostolate
Church Teachings
Other Publications
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